Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mamma's Little Apple - Week 15

We're now 15 weeks along with +1 and according to the book he is about 4 inches long, 2 1/2 oz and about the size of an apple.

+1 at 15 weeks

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I. Need. Sleep. Now.

I don't know what the deal was with my phone for several days but the focus was really out of whack.  Check it out:
John Deere boots, Carhart overalls and Daddy's beanie!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Got Hormones?

Or rather “Got Random Hormonal Crying Jags?” I have cried more these last 13 weeks over the most random and silly things!

Let me count the ways:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December 3rd - Then & Now


Now & Sideways!

Anticipating Jimmy + 1

Big Brother Jimmy!  

+ 1 Arriving around 06/19/2012

15 Month Checkup

Little Jimmy boy had his 15 month checkup yesterday.  Here are his stats:

22 lbs. 10 oz.
30 1/2 inches

Daddy guessed 30 inches and 29 lbs and I guessed 29 inches and 25 lbs so we were pretty close on the height but wayyyy off on the weight. I guess he just feels heavier than he really is.

He had a finger prick that he watched as if nothing was happening and then 3 shots that he cried so hard for.  Poor little guy, he eventually cried himself to sleep.  I'm so glad those shots are spaced farther apart now.

I haven't updated in quite awhile for a couple of reaons.

1 - I haven't taken many pictures lately and no one really wants to read a blog without pictures.
2 - I haven't felt really great for the past several weeks.

I still haven't taken many pictures but I am starting to feel a little better so I'm jumping back in.  Hopefully I'll have more pictures to share soon!