Thomas Daniel W. II |
Thomas Daniel Webb II made his entrance September 16, 2012 at 10:23 am.
He weighs 8 lbs on the nose and is 21 ¾ “ long.
Mamma & Thomas Daniel II |
I’m over the moon for this little boy already although you can tell he’s a little stinker (like his daddy). For the last couple of weeks he’s been giving his Mamma fits because he wouldn’t drop or he’d tease her by dropping and then “un-drop”. Then when he made it clear that he was finally ready to meet the world he got shy (like his Aunt Pepper) and made his Mamma work extra hard to get him here. He may not know yet but he’ll soon realize what an amazing Mamma he has though. Really and truly. In her situation I’m not sure that I could have been as strong and full of grace as she was.
Daddy & Thomas Daniel II |
I couldn’t wait for my brother to experience that first moment of meeting the baby that you helped create and waited patiently and impatiently for. Waited for years, then months, then days, then hours and minutes. There was no way I was going to miss sharing his joy and holding that sweet baby as soon as I could get my hands on him. That’s why I couldn’t make myself leave the hospital for 16 hours. Each hour could have been THE HOUR and I just couldn’t miss it. I was as excited for his birth, I think, as I was for my own babies births. Only I got to experience it from a different angle this time…I was the one waiting. I was excited and nervous and having flashbacks and just on the edge of my seat the whole night.
Emma Jean & Thomas Daniel II |
Emma Jean, Thomas Daniel’s big sister, finally had to call it a night in the waiting room with me so she pulled two chairs together and went to sleep. Around 5 am the doors to the L&D unit opened and in a moment as surreal as a clip from a movie we heard hysterical screaming and then “
GET THIS THING OUT OF ME!!!!!!!!” and then more hysterical screaming….then the doors closed. Emma jerked awake and sat up and said
“That was quite a surprising awakening!” We quickly assured her that it wasn’t her mamma screaming so she laid back down in her makeshift bed, covered her head and went back to sleep. Then when her brother finally made his appearance she was on pins and needles to get back there and meet him.
Aunt Pepper & Thomas Daniel II |
After carrying my chunky monkey around picking up Thomas Daniel felt like holding a bundle of loose feathers. It’s hard to believe that Joey was that size just three months ago. Joey’s head was a ¼” bigger and Thomas Daniel is ¾” longer but they were both 8 lbs on the nose. I’m so looking forward to holding and snuggling my nephew and watching him grow.
The Webb Family |
I’m going to spoil him rotten!
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